Power in Positivity
We’ve all heard the phrase that attitude is everything. Our attitude is reflective of the perspective we take on any given day. It influences our motivation and how we interact with people around us.
There was a time when I believed this was predetermined by the people and circumstances that surrounded me. Today, I know I have a choice.
Advances in brain neuroscience have shown the brain’s ability to change and adapt to life’s experiences. We refer to this as neuroplasticity. Basically, we can change our attitude.
Making choices to assume a positive attitude provides many benefits for business. As leaders, it aides in productive problem solving, strengthens our relationships with team members, opens the door to innovation and lowers our stress levels.
Many teams have established the norm of, “Assume positive intent”. These teams realize positive intent creates a healthy culture where diversity and equality lead to higher team results.
There are many ways we can actively choose a positive attitude. Here are 5 to start with to have a successful impact:
Look where you want to go; not where you don’t want to go.
Notice what is going RIGHT.
Give praise & recognition.
Develop others- be of service
Allow space for Grace
Look where you want to go; not where you don’t want to go. I was reminded of this recently while paddle boarding on the Colorado River. The rapids were quickly approaching and my brain wanted to look for rocks, waves, whirlpools. My thoughts were immediately followed by visualizing all the ways I could fall! This did not result in confidence or optimism! Instead, I looked for the path THROUGH the rocks, waves, etc. with the visualization of making it through successfully. This strategy holds true for skiing, dirt bike riding and leadership. Knowing your team’s optimal results and having a clear path on how to get there provides the focus of where you want to go.
Notice what is going RIGHT. Our brains want to solve problems, so they tend to look for what needs fixing. What performance expectations are NOT being met by ourselves or our team members? What on the to do list is not getting done? We can flip this script. In my teaching days, I would joke about putting on my “positive” glasses first thing in the morning (yes, they were rose colored). This was a conscious choice to notice what was going right in MYSELF and MY TEAMMATES.
Give praise and recognition. If it’s in our heads, it can come out of mouth. As we notice what is going right, it only takes a few seconds to share what we are noticing. We’ve all heard what benefits this provides to others in making them feel valued, which in turn leads to greater engagement, but let’s also recognize what this does to us. When we are genuinely expressing praise and recognition, we begin to feel less stress and more optimistic about our current reality.
Develop others-Be of service. Humans are geared toward growing and learning. If we are not seeing it, the environment is not providing opportunity. Make the choice to be the provider of growth. This starts with taking a genuine interest in what development those on our teams are desiring. Once we match that with sharing our expertise, we create a productive learning environment.
Allow space for Grace. At the end of the day, we are all human. As my mom approached her 90th birthday, she was struggling with some of the limitations longevity presented. I gave her a magnet with the following quote from Emerson:
“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities have crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.”
Today, it sits near my own desk and I know she is smiling down as I read it.
Every morning we have the opportunity to make a choice on how we approach the day. In addition, we can start our day over at any time. Practice makes permanent. Choosing a positive attitude enhances our leadership and how we show each day as an influential member of any team.
At KL Palmer Consulting, we lead workshops focused on recognizing the positive talents, behaviors and motivations each leader and team members brings to their organization. Self-awareness of ourselves and others leads to healthy cultures that leverage positive aspects to maximum results.
Contact us today to discuss how we might support your organization in positive growth.