Power in Positivity
Taking on a positive attitude provides benefits to your leadership and your team. Here are 5 tips to making that happen.
“May I Offer You Some Feedback?”
This question sparks a variety of initial responses in us all. Much is dependent on who is asking , when the question is being asked and how we are feeling about ourselves and our performance at the time. Most likely, the Ego will want to immediately respond, “No, I’m good!” But let’s face it, we are receiving feedback ALL THE TIME. Data in the form of body language, facial expression, tonation, and responses (or lack of responses) is streaming at us and our brains, being the overactive problem solvers that they are, are creating stories. Knowing that, why not be proactive about receiving feedback and increase the likelihood of getting the most helpful interpretation?
Managing Frustration and Defeat: Lessons from the Surf
The journey of effective leadership requires tools for responding to the frustration of perceived defeat. Discover the lessons shared with my by Javier, the sage of the surf, and how they can develop your emotional intelligence.
Authenticity & Adapting: Not a Mixed Message
Authenticity is often thought of as showing your TRUE SELF. This creates a mixed message for some who are adapting behaviors to be more effective. Often new behaviors feel “fake” and thus, inauthentic. This week’s blog provides a union of the two and a greater understanding of what it means to be authentic.
Now That You’ve Got Them, Make Sure They Stay
From the first day on a job, employees are either staying or looking for the next opportunity. Strong leadership provides basic ingredients to ensure employees have an experience worth staying for.
A Hip View of Change
Yoga and my recent hip replacement gave me an opportunity to connect my physical rehabilitation to organizational change management. Discover how the two are similar and what leaders can do to foster healthy, expedient recovery.
Setting Emerging Leaders Up for Success: A Win Win Proposition
Supporting new supervisors and managers proactively as they assume leadership roles reaps dividends for both employees and business results. Discover some of the benefits and actions organizations can take to set emerging leaders up for success and why it is my passion.
Growth Mindset: Trudging Through the Discomfort of Growing Pains
Developing and utilizing a growth mindset requires embracing the gift of struggle. Whether the struggle is inside or outside ourselves, discovering what trudging through the discomfort requires for each of us helps with our growing pains . This week I share some of my own recent growth spurts. Can you relate?
From Judgement to Value: An Individual Journey
Walking into leadership with genuine confidence is often the first mountain we need to climb. In order to obtain genuine confidence, humility is required. Taking a bold journey of self awareness moves us from a place of self judgement to self value, allowing us to show up confidently and ready to serve. Are you ready to take the journey?
From Judgement to Value: A Team Journey
“UH! I can’t believe they did that again!” Hearing comments or seeing nonverbal reactions of judgement on your teams? We can still see eye rolls on video!! Moving your team from JUDGEMENT to VALUE may be in order.
Finding Leadership Lessons in the Everyday
COVID gave many of us the opportunity to slow down and engage in more relaxing activities. Getting lost in a jigsaw puzzle allowed me to connect problem solving with leadership and led to some revealing lessons.
Developing Communication Skills in the Service Industry for COVID and beyond.
Across the service industry, front line employees are facing new demands in communication expectations. State guidelines are asking businesses to enforce mask wearing and social distancing. Procedures are being continually revised to meet safety protocols. Effective leaders recognize these changes are putting new expectations on their teams and as with all expectations, a proactive approach in managing them will mitigate conflicts and foster a positive culture in these uncertain times.