“May I Offer You Some Feedback?”
This question sparks a variety of initial responses in us all. Much is dependent on who is asking , when the question is being asked and how we are feeling about ourselves and our performance at the time. Most likely, the Ego will want to immediately respond, “No, I’m good!” But let’s face it, we are receiving feedback ALL THE TIME. Data in the form of body language, facial expression, tonation, and responses (or lack of responses) is streaming at us and our brains, being the overactive problem solvers that they are, are creating stories. Knowing that, why not be proactive about receiving feedback and increase the likelihood of getting the most helpful interpretation?
From Judgement to Value: A Team Journey
“UH! I can’t believe they did that again!” Hearing comments or seeing nonverbal reactions of judgement on your teams? We can still see eye rolls on video!! Moving your team from JUDGEMENT to VALUE may be in order.
Finding Leadership Lessons in the Everyday
COVID gave many of us the opportunity to slow down and engage in more relaxing activities. Getting lost in a jigsaw puzzle allowed me to connect problem solving with leadership and led to some revealing lessons.